Dog & Cat Vaccinations and Microchipping In Windham, NH

Vaccines & Microchips:
Preventive Measures for Safe Pets

Keeping your pet safe and healthy is a top priority, and two of the most effective ways to protect them are through lifestyle-appropriate vaccinations and microchipping. At Canobie Lake Veterinary Hospital in Windham, NH, we provide these essential services to ensure your four-legged companion has a strong defense against illness and the best chance of being reunited with you if they ever get lost.

Together, vaccination and microchipping form a vital foundation for your pet’s well-being and your peace of mind. Defend your pet against infectious illnesses and the chance of becoming lost by scheduling an appointment today!

Or give us a call at (603) 898-8982!

Pet Vaccines And Microchipping In Windham Nh

Pet Vaccines: Protection Against Infectious Diseases

Vaccines work by introducing antigens that mimic viruses or diseases without causing illness. This exposure prompts your pet’s immune system to produce antibodies, creating a defense mechanism. If they encounter the actual disease later, their body will recognize it and respond quickly to protect them.

Pet Vaccinations Tailored to Every Lifestyle

At our AAHA-accredited hospital, we offer a wide range of core and noncore vaccines to keep your pet healthy, no matter their lifestyle. We understand that each and every pet has unique characteristics, so you won't find cookie-cutter care here: We're all about customization!

Whether your dog loves outdoor adventures or your cat prefers the comforts of home, we’ll help you choose the right vaccinations for their specific needs. Our tailored protocols ensure your pet has everything they need, and nothing they don't.

Core vs. Noncore Vaccines

Core vaccines are recommended for all pets because they protect against life-threatening diseases and some that can spread to people. Noncore vaccines are based on a pet’s lifestyle and risk factors, such as environment or social activities.

Here’s what we offer:

  • Canine Core Vaccines: Distemper, hepatitis, parvovirus, parainfluenza, rabies
  • Canine Noncore Vaccines: Bordetella (kennel cough), leptospirosis, Lyme
  • Feline Core Vaccines: Panleukopenia, calicivirus, feline viral rhinotracheitis, rabies
  • Feline Noncore Vaccines: Feline leukemia (FeLV)

Keeping Vaccines Up to Date

Vaccines aren’t permanent—antibodies diminish over time, so boosters are essential. During your pet’s wellness exams, we’ll determine the appropriate vaccination schedule to ensure their immunity remains strong.

Many vaccines, such as those that protect against viruses like rabies and distemper, provide protection that lasts for 3 years. Vaccines that defend against bacterial infections, such as kennel cough and leptospirosis, have a shorter duration of protective efficacy. Ask our team which vaccines are right for your pet to provide the best protection!

Holding Puppy

Microchipping: A Lifeline for Lost Pets

Accidents happen, and even the most careful pet owner can experience the heartbreak of a lost pet. While collars and ID tags are helpful, they aren’t foolproof—they can break, fall off, or fade over time. That’s why microchipping is a critical addition to your pet’s identification.

How Microchipping Works

A microchip is a tiny device, about the size of a grain of rice, implanted just beneath your pet’s skin near their shoulder blades. This device contains a unique ID number linked to your contact information. Animal shelters and veterinary hospitals across the country can scan the chip to identify you as the owner, ensuring your pet has the best chance of finding their way back home.

It’s important to note that microchips are not GPS trackers. They work only when scanned, which is why ID tags and microchips work best together.

The Effectiveness of Microchipping

Microchipping significantly improves the chances of reuniting with a lost pet. Research from the Journal of American Veterinary Medicine highlights the benefits:

  • Dogs with microchips are returned home 52.2% of the time, compared to less than 22% without.
  • Cats with microchips are reunited with their owners 38.5% of the time, compared to fewer than 2% without.

Adding a microchip to your pet is a simple, safe procedure that offers a lifetime of protection.

Don’t wait to give your pet the protection they deserve. Contact us to schedule their vaccination or microchipping appointment today. Together, we’ll help your pet stay healthy, happy, and always connected to you.