Your Pet Could Be Hurting & You May Not Even Know It… We love our pets and the number one question I get from owners is “Do you think he is in pain?” and let’s face it… they can’t tell us when they’re hurting, and your dog or cat could be. It’s remarkably common. One of the most prevalent health care problems in dogs and cats is usually preventable and/or curable… it is periodontal disease. Most troubling is your pet’s dental problems can lead to health challenges far beyond “dog breath” or tooth extractions. Left untreated,
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What did my chicken eat?!!!
Have you ever wondered what your chickens are eating when they are free ranging? Well, they eat anything they can find. Yes, normally they eat bugs, seeds and some plants but often they also ingest shiny objects like screws, rocks and other mineralized objects. It is very important to watch your chickens so they do not become ill from eating things they are not supposed to. Sometimes the shiny items they eat contain lead and they can become very sick. Signs of lead toxicity can be weight loss, lethargy and sometimes seizures. Chickens can be treated for lead toxicity and
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Pet Obesity is an Epidemic!
It is estimated that over 54% of dogs and cats are overweight or obese. That is truly frightening when you think about that, over half of our pets are at increased risk of disease because we are not controlling what we feed them and how we exercise them. Heart disease, diabetes, orthopedic problems and skin issues are all directly related to being overweight. These issues can be prevented by keeping your pet lean. After 20 years of being in practice, I have found the #1 reason pets live a long time is because they are lean and exercised. There are
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Does my pet really need a dental cleaning?
Yes, your pet does, at least once a year. Your dog or cat NEVER brushes their teeth (unless you do brush your pet’s teeth, and if you do, hats off to you!) and tartar and plaque build up rather quickly. Just like with human teeth, this build up of tartar and plaque can cause gum disease. Gum disease can cause periodontal disease and bone loss. Soon after, teeth will just fall out and overwhelming infection will be in the mouth. Think about this, if you NEVER brushed your teeth for a year, do you think a dental cleaning would be
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What does it mean to have a Standard of Care?
It means the hospital is responsible to provide a level of care that meets or exceeds a standard established by the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA.) AAHA is the only companion animal exclusive organization to accredit veterinary practices. In order to become accredited, the hospital must undergo regular comprehensive evaluations by AAHA veterinary experts who evaluate the practice on approximately 900 standards of veterinary care. The practice and the veterinarians that successfully achieve this standard of care maintain their facilities and medical care with the highest standards of excellence. This is not an easy task. AAHA accredited practices continually train
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Do I need pet insurance for my pet?
Absolutely! I compare pet insurance to car insurance…they are very much the same in concept. Your car insurance does not cover your routine oil change and maintenance but it does cover a fender bender or a major accident. Pet insurance is the same. It does not cover routine care like vaccines and heartworm prevention but it will cover if your pet gets sick or has an emergency. When you purchase pet insurance it is best to obtain it BEFORE your pet has any medical conditions so pets that are very young are best candidates. This is not to say that
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